Inslating refractories

“Inslating refractories” is a general term for refractory materials with low thermal conductivity.
As a representative of refractory bricks, these are used for linings and back-up linings in furnaces.

  • Fire clay bricks

    As raw materials for fire clay bricks, there are such as fire clays, Kaolins, pyrophyllites, hard clays and chamottes. They can be used up to higher temperature than diatomaceous earth, and used not only back-up linings but also linings of furnaces.
  • High almina insulating bricks

    High almina insulating bricks can withstand even higher temperatures with adding high alumina materials into clayey.
    They are used on linings and back-up linings of high temperature industrial furnaces.
  • Diatomite Insulating Bricks

    Diatomite insulating bricks are mainly used as a heat insulators for steel furnaces and incinerators, making a good use of its fine pores.
  • Lightweight insulating castables

    Lightweight insulating castables are generally used in low temperature areas with less wear. Because of the light weight and high-thermal insulation, it is possible for them to make wall thickness thinner and construct furnaces with light total weight .
    Clayey matter and high alumina matter are used for most of the raw materials.

Business Summary

We supply materials and technologies centered on fire resistance related to "Fire" and "Heat".

Osaka Taika Renga Co., Ltd. contributes to the industrial society by supplying materials and technologies and providing services centered on fire resistance related to "fire" and "heat".